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Adult Selections

The Golden Canyon

G. A. Henty (1832 - 1902)

In August, 1856, times were hard in San Diego. Dick, who worked on the ship, "Northampton", was attacked by a ruthless gang - the next morning he found that his ship had sailed off without him. In no time, his closest friends came to him and nursed him back to health. In talking about the events, they decided it was time for a change, to make a better life for themselves, and that meant they would plan to leave and travel together in the quest to find gold in the "Gold Canyon". Along the way, they find themselves on the most dangerous adventure they will ever encounter in their lifetime, which includes a whole lot of "the unexpected" throughout the journey, and meeting up with savagely brutal Apache's. Will there be casualties in this quest? And does there really exist a "Golden Canyon"? A quick paced action adventure awaits! (Summary by Laurie Banza)

Genre(s): Action & Adventure Fiction, Historical Fiction, Action & Adventure

Language: English

Youth/Teen Selections


Two On the Trail

Edith Elise Cowper (1859 - 1933)

A young family's story of pioneer life consisting of a teenage daughter (Nell) and her younger brother David, aka "Da", along with their dog (Robin), have unique adventures in the heart of the frontier wilderness, where they are thrust into mysterious and dangerous situations of survival amongst Canada's snows.
The Story starts off as the children have been left alone in a log cabin presuming that their widowed father will return in 4 days. Eight days have now gone by with no sign of him. What has happened to their father and can these children survive on their own in their quest to find him, unscathed by the hardships they must endure in the Canadian wilderness? - Summary by Laurie Banza

Genre(s): Action & Adventure Fiction, Action & Adventure

Language: English

Children's Selection

Doctor Rabbit and Ki-Yi Coyote

Thomas Clark Hinkle (1876 - 1949)

KI-YI, the coyote, is chasing and causing terrible havoc for Doctor Rabbit and all the little creatures of the Big Green Woods. Whatever can they do to solve this problem? - Summary by Laur

Genre(s): Children's Fiction, Animals & Nature

Language: English

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